Building Champions

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The Champion Leadership Effect on Your Organization

At times, the freelancer life may look incredibly appealing—you’re your own boss, you can take time-off whenever you want, and you can work from wherever you choose. But when you’re a company of one, you may miss out on the camaraderie that comes with a team and the potential for widespread impact that comes from an organization; because no matter your job title, you play a role in your company, and you get to work toward the fulfillment of your organization’s vision. Together, alongside the individuals that make up your company, you can accomplish much greater things than any one person could ever do. And that’s the beauty of both teamwork and corporate purpose within an organization.

As a Champion Leader, it’s important to not only be clear on your organization’s vision, but to understand how you can support it. You get to help others see how their daily job functions connect to both the company’s purpose and vision so that they feel engaged and inspired to do their best work. And when you’re practicing Champion Leadership, you’ll be equipped to support those around you and advocate for causes that are bigger than yourself.

In this article, we discuss how the Champion Leadership Effect can transform your organization and inspire your people to positively impact their communities, our society, and even the world.


Your Organization’s Purpose

So, let’s talk about corporate purpose—and the difference between a vision and a purpose. At Building Champions, we encourage our clients to create a Business Vision (as well as a Personal Vision, but that’s another topic) because we believe that healthy companies have compelling visions that they don’t just say once and set aside, but that they continually talk about. An organizational vision is something that all employees should know, and all leaders should bring up regularly. A vision points to the future, explaining what the organization will become. And this is different than a purpose statement. An organizational purpose connects to that inspiring vision by defining why your company exists. A business vision says what the company will be, and a business purpose says what and why it is.

And it’s so exciting to be a part of an organization with vision, isn’t it? Especially when that vision can’t be achieved alone. When an organization connects its purpose to the product or service it offers, it becomes much easier for an employee to see how their work directly contributes. And when you have a clear understanding of why your work matters and how you’re partnering in a vision that’s bigger than yourself, you’ll feel inspired to show up each day to do good work.


Do you believe that people need what you sell or offer?

When you believe in the work you do and allow that belief to take root in your mindset, you’ll want to make a greater impact in the lives of those you lead and serve. You’ll want to show up as your best self. And you’ll want to partner in a cause that is bigger than you. So, take some time to think upon your organization’s purpose in conjunction with your daily job functions. Do you see the connection? Do you believe in the work you do? What’s at risk when you don’t? And what becomes possible when you do?

Do you understand how your product or service can impact lives? Do you see how what you sell connects to a cause that is bigger than simply making a profit? There’s a reason your organization was started—likely to meet a need (or want) of a consumer. So, be sure to understand that need/want, how it evolves and how it changes. Roll with the changes and grow with the evolutions. If you do so, your organization will continue to stay relevant, helpful, and important. And when you really see how your company can make a positive impact, then you’ll begin to see opportunities for impact that you never before noticed.


Are you championing your organization’s corporate purpose?

At Building Champions, we define a Champion Leader as someone who supports, advocates, and inspires others—creating a ripple effect of positive change that is bigger than themselves. So, what would it look like for you to become a Champion Leader of your organization? How can you support your organization’s vision? How can you advocate for the growth and change needed to reach that vision? And how can you inspire others to do the same?

As a Champion Leader within your company, you have the privilege to influence others. So, how are you using that influence? Are you helping those you lead to see how their work directly contributes to the company’s overall purpose while also propelling it toward its envisioned future?

When an organization full of inspired and focused people work together toward a shared cause, the possibilities are truly endless. Together, you can do more than you ever thought possible. Your organizational impact will become massive, widespread, and deeply important.



The ripple effect of Champion Leadership upon your organization can extend out past your team and into their communities and homes; as well as the homes and communities of those you serve—your customers. An organization’s potential for impact is wider than the product they sell or service they offer. And that’s why the Champion Leadership Effect on an organization is so powerful.

We create custom coaching engagements for organizations that want to see Champion Leadership elevate their people, culture, and overall company impact. Reach out today. We’d love to work with your organization. Your company’s ripple effect of positive impact may very well be exactly what our world needs.