3 Steps Toward a Healthy Organizational Culture

team cheering for their teammate

You know how people often describe workplace environments as either healthy or toxic? Well, what they’re describing is a company’s culture, the attitudes, words, and actions of the people that work there. And that’s why the health of an organization matters. Whether we realize it or not, we all contribute to the culture of the company where we work. And if you’re a leader of an organization, you have a lot of influence upon your organization’s culture—which is why it’s important to understand what that influence might look like.

In this article, we share three steps for leaders to take toward fostering a healthy organizational culture so that their companies not only become positive environments where people want to work but where people get to grow.


Organizational Impact Starts (and ends) at The Top

As a leader of an organization, you have the unique privilege to foster your company’s culture. You get to help it be a healthy, thriving place. An organization’s culture is dependent upon the behaviors of the people that make it up. So, it’s hugely important to communicate your organization’s values and expectations to all employees. At Building Champions, we call these our convictions to behaviors—because out of our deeply held convictions will flow our actions. And a leader who is accountable to the organization’s stated convictions will be a person of integrity who fosters an organizational environment of health. And people want to work for a healthy, productive, thriving organization.


3 Steps Toward a Healthy Organizational Culture

  1. Identify Your Company’s Convictions. There’s a reason your company exists. But do you know what it is? And do the people you lead know how their work connects to the organization’s purpose? It’s important to have a clear and compelling organizational vision that people not only understand but are excited to work together toward. At Building Champions, we partner with leaders to help them craft vision statements that identify their organization’s convictions, purpose, and envisioned future. Our Business Vision tool incorporates the three B’s: belong, become, and build—because when you foster a culture of belonging within an organization and clearly articulate what it is becoming, then you’ll get to build toward that vision together.


  2. Understand the Power of Mindset. Positivity is contagious, but so is negativity. And leaders often set the tone for their organizations in how they show up. So, it’s important to understand the deeply rooted narratives that flow through our minds because they will inevitably impact our actions. Think about a time when your organization hit a roadblock or experienced a downturn. What thoughts came to your mind? Was your thinking strategic, creative, and ready for the challenge? Or was your thinking negative, unhelpful, and a bit defeated? Be honest with yourself. We must first understand our thought patterns before we can change them. And as a leader of an organization, you get to face the ups and downs of business with a resilient, strategic, and hopeful mindset—because when you do, the culture of your organization will be influenced by it.

  3. Get Clear on the Expected and Accepted Behaviors. An organization’s culture is made up of the behaviors of the people in it. So, accountability in leadership matters. As a leader, when you demonstrate integrity in your words and actions, and lead in a way that aligns with the organization’s stated convictions, people will follow your example. And when you make a mistake (as you will because you’re human), if you’re not too proud or too afraid to admit it, then you’ll foster a culture of authenticity because by taking accountability for your actions, you’ll encourage others to do the same—and that’s a healthy culture.


We love partnering with organizations like yours to help them foster healthy and thriving company cultures. Invest in your organization’s future today by scheduling an executive retreat with us. Our executive coaches are skilled facilitators and will provide actionable strategies for you to apply to your leadership so that you can begin shaping a healthy organizational culture. Reach out today to learn more!


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