Why Psychological Safety in The Workplace Matters

Psychological safety in the workplace is the responsibility of both the leader and the employee. But as a leader, you set the tone. When your people feel safe, valued and believe that their voice matters, your organization will experience higher levels of productivity and quality—along with a healthy culture. Watch this Coach Video Tip with Executive Coach Annette Pellinat and learn from her background in executive leadership and organizational development just how exactly to increase psychological safety in your workplace.


  • 5 questions to ask during your one-on-ones:

    ·       What’s going well?

    ·       Is there someone I can recognize? And, why?

    ·       Do you have the tools, equipment and information needed to do your job?

    ·       Are there any systems or processes you’d like to see improved? And, do you have any ideas as to how to fix them?

    ·       Is there anything I can do to help you right now?

  • Amy Edmonson’s TED Talk, HRB article, and Book - The Fearless Organization

  • David Rock’s SCARF Model video explanation and Book - Your Brain at Work


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