Building Champions

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Your Champion Leadership Effect

As an organization, we’re often asked (sometimes with a tongue-in-cheek tone), “What type of champions are you building?”

And we have an answer for that because we have a vision for our clients. With a holistic approach to leadership, we understand that your home life affects your work, and your work affects your home life. You’re more than your job title. And if you don’t feel like you are, then it’s time to find a healthy balance. But it starts by first understanding yourself—your passions, purpose, strengths, and weaknesses.

We help leaders get clear on their convictions, purpose, and vision so that they can lead with integrity and better serve those around them. And we call this the Champion Leadership Effect. In this article, we define the Champion Leadership Effect and how it can positively impact your life and leadership. Plus, you’ll get a better understanding of what we do and who we do it for. (Spoiler alert: You—and everyone you love, lead, and serve—because whether you realize it or not, you have influence.)


Defining The Champion Leadership Effect

Self-leadership isn’t self-care, and it definitely isn’t selfish; it’s how you lead yourself, your thoughts, words, and actions. We believe that your beliefs come before your behaviors and out of your mindset flows your actions. So, to be a healthy leader (and person), you’ve got to address the narratives that both lift and limit you. A champion leader is a person willing to do the work needed to get their mindset in a healthy place and lead themselves well. A champion is, of course, a winner; but a true winner doesn’t just fight to win for themselves, but for others too. And when you lead yourself well, prioritizing health and balance, you’ll be equipped to give to those around you. A champion leader supports, advocates, and inspires others—creating a ripple effect of positive change that is bigger than themselves. That’s the Champion Leadership Effect. 

So, let’s dig into it: The Champion Leadership Effect. And to help you discern if it’s a part of your life and leadership, we have two questions to address.


How are your convictions driving your actions?

Your convictions are your uncompromising beliefs. They are so deeply rooted that you will not change your mind or cave when the going gets tough. Flexibility is often a beautiful leadership quality, but your convictions should not afford flexibility. They are tied to your values and belief system. So, you must become clear on your convictions. As a leader, it’s important to understand your convictions both professionally and personally so that you can remain a person of integrity—because if you’re not clear on what you stand for, it’s hard to stand for anything.

And how are your convictions connecting to your behaviors? Are you living them out in your daily decision-making? Or are they just floating in the back of your mind, not really touching the day-to-day realities? How can you step forward with courage and begin living them out more fully? They should drive your actions. And when you’re living and leading from a place of integrity and conviction, you’ll become a person of influence. And people with influence have opportunity. Influence is a privilege, and you get to positively impact those you love, lead, and serve.


What are you a champion of?

In your leadership, what causes are you championing? This can (and should) look different for everyone. There’s no one right answer—except for what specifically inspires you. And this is why your convictions are so powerful, because out of your convictions comes clear your purpose. And when you know your purpose, you can lean into your Champion Leadership Effect.

When you’re a conviction and purpose driven leader, you get to advocate for others. You can be a change-maker, positively impacting the lives of those you work with—whether that be your teammates, clients, vendors, or community. When you lead yourself well, from a place of health and balance, you can give so much more. You get to inspire and equip others to be their best selves and do more than they ever thought possible. And that’s when you see the ripple effect of positive impact; and that becomes your legacy.

So, take some time to understand what you are uniquely passionate about in both your life and leadership. The world needs passionate, conviction-driven people leading from a place of integrity who champion those around them, who champion the causes they care deeply about, and who aren’t afraid to stand firmly upon their convictions. Your Champion Leadership Effect matters—the people around you will benefit from it and your legacy impact will be wider than you’ll ever know.


We believe so much in the power of convictions that we give away our Personal Vision Guide for free. In it, you’ll walk through some exercises to help you get clear on your convictions, identify your purpose, and create your personal vision. Download it today to get started. And if you have any questions about it or want to learn more about how we help leaders, feel free to reach out to us. We’re excited for you to both live and lead from a place of purpose so that your Champion Leadership Effect can positively impact those around you.