The Building Champions Leadership Development Blog

Drawing upon their decades of leadership experience — and the hundreds of conversations they have each week with leaders across the country — our team of coaches deliver insights, strategies, and tips to help you improve how you lead and live.

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership
Building Champions Building Champions

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership

Leading a team isn’t just about the bottom line. It’s about more than numbers, data and results. It’s also about the relationships you have with your team members. Good leaders understand that every person on their team is an individual with their own goals and motivations. In this blog, we'll discuss what makes someone emotionally intelligent, the benefits of this skill and how you can develop and implement it in your own leadership.

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Building Millennial Leaders: How to Develop Core Competencies in Young Leaders
Building Champions Building Champions

Building Millennial Leaders: How to Develop Core Competencies in Young Leaders

Millennials want to flip the script when it comes to company culture. They’re tired of seeing the negative effects of hustle culture and are ready to start motivating team members to reach their full potential. In this blog, we’ll discuss how millennial leadership styles are different from the traditional model, what that means for your company and some leadership development tips for these emerging professionals.

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5 Best Practices for Delegating Leaders
Building Champions Building Champions

5 Best Practices for Delegating Leaders

Developing a delegating leadership style takes time and trust. You have to learn how to let go of the little things and have confidence in your team to accomplish higher-level projects on their own. This not only frees up your time to focus on the big picture; it also shows your team that you believe in their skills and support their professional development.

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How To Handle Team Conflict
Building Champions Building Champions

How To Handle Team Conflict

At Building Champions, we know managing conflict is a big part of leadership. You might have to mediate clashes between team members, find common ground for opposing viewpoints or facilitate a mutual understanding between departments. However, we also believe your conflict management skills should go one step further to creating healthy conflicts for your team.

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The Importance Of Executive Well-Being
Dan Foster Dan Foster

The Importance Of Executive Well-Being

In this coaching tip we discuss the importance of executive well-being and the impact it can have on leaders, teams, and organizations. CEO Mentor, Gavin Kerr shares both his real world experience and tips from mentoring executives.

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How to Create a Culture of Wellness for Your Employees
Building Champions Building Champions

How to Create a Culture of Wellness for Your Employees

It’s a tough time to retain employees. With the Great Resignation in full swing and “quiet quitting” sneaking onto the scene, workers are taking a stand against the hustle culture that has ruled companies for decades. They feel their basic wellness needs aren’t being met, which makes them frustrated and disengaged at work.

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Leaders Must Be Lifelong Learners
Women in Leadership Building Champions Women in Leadership Building Champions

Leaders Must Be Lifelong Learners

Leadership is a journey, and successful leaders know that they’ve never truly arrived and are humble enough to admit there is always room to grow and improve. Watch this coach video tip with Genena Armstrong - she shares her experience and wisdom on the importance of being a lifelong learner.

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