Are You Sure?

What’s this episode about?

Our brains love simple narratives and black-and-white thinking. But unfortunately for our brains, life is usually never that simple. In many of the decisions we make, both at home and at work, there are often multiple variables at play, there is some important information we do not have access to, and luck can play a big role in how things turn out. And when we try to oversimplify something when it’s actually nuanced and complex, our decision-making suffers.

Join us as we talk with decision-making expert and former poker player Annie Duke as she highlights the common gaps in our thinking, and what you as a leader can do to embrace uncertainty in your decision-making and get better results.

Who’s in this episode?

Daniel Harkavy
CEO & Founder

Annie Duke
Author & Former Poker Player

Jonathan Rogers
VP of Coaching Services

Todd Mosetter
VP of Content & Product



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