The Building Champions Leadership Development Blog

Drawing upon their decades of leadership experience — and the hundreds of conversations they have each week with leaders across the country — our team of coaches deliver insights, strategies, and tips to help you improve how you lead and live.

5 Best Practices For Creating A Great Morning Routine
Cara O'Halloran Cara O'Halloran

5 Best Practices For Creating A Great Morning Routine

The way your morning begins can set a pace and rhythm for your entire day—drastically affecting how you lead yourself and those around you. There will be days when you simply can’t follow your morning routine because life gets in the way. And that’s okay.

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The 7 Perspectives Of Effective Leaders
Daniel Harkavy Daniel Harkavy

The 7 Perspectives Of Effective Leaders

Leadership today is as difficult as it has ever been. With the amount of change, uncertainty, and disruption businesses face, it can be nearly impossible for a leaders to stay on top of everything that comes their way. But rather than constructing an equally complex framework to navigate this environment, the key to effective leadership can be found by keeping it simple. Your leadership effectiveness will be determined by just two things: the decisions you make and the influence you have.

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3 Things Every CEO Must Do To Lead Well In Challenging Times
CEO Mentoring Tom Brewer CEO Mentoring Tom Brewer

3 Things Every CEO Must Do To Lead Well In Challenging Times

In today’s continually challenging marketplace filled with uncertainty and exhaustion—people expect leaders to give them information, reassurance, and a plan. Yet, in times like the ones we are living, those three things are difficult to deliver. However, I’ve come to believe that no matter the crisis you find yourself leading through, your organization will benefit if you follow these three principles.

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Three Barriers To Curiosity And How To Overcome Them
CEO Mentoring Raymond Gleason CEO Mentoring Raymond Gleason

Three Barriers To Curiosity And How To Overcome Them

One thing is for certain: curiosity is given a lot of lip service; leaders say they value curiosity. They have good intentions. But in reality, most leaders stifle curiosity. What is the main reason for this “mild to extra strength” stifling? The nagging fear that if curiosity is allowed it will increase risk and inefficiency. Too many leaders unintentionally devote their thought and practice to sustaining status quo thinking. This erodes their ability to exercise curiosity, not to mention poor modeling of curiosity for their team and company.

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4 Steps To Create A Plan That Helps You Stay Focused On Achieving Your Goals
Dan Foster Dan Foster

4 Steps To Create A Plan That Helps You Stay Focused On Achieving Your Goals

In times of uncertainty and change, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed by the things we can’t control and just have to accept. At Building Champions, we know you want things to be different - you want to live and lead with purpose, bringing your best to every day. In order to do that, you need to focus on what matters most and the things you can control and influence.

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4 Ways Confident Leadership Helps Everyone
Building Champions Building Champions

4 Ways Confident Leadership Helps Everyone

Successful leadership is about more than just measurable accomplishments. Great leaders also improve employee retention, build trust among their teams, create strategic plans, and empower individuals to grow in their own leadership skills. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at a few ways a confident leader’s actions and attitudes benefit their whole company.

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How To Lead Outside of Work
Dan Foster Dan Foster

How To Lead Outside of Work

The desire to be purposeful and intentional in all areas of our life and business is what makes us uniquely human. Unfortunately, very few people have the courage to admit when they are struggling to lead outside of work. Smaller is the group of people that admit it, seek help, and actually take action to improve their leadership outside of work.

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