The Building Champions Leadership Development Blog

Drawing upon their decades of leadership experience — and the hundreds of conversations they have each week with leaders across the country — our team of coaches deliver insights, strategies, and tips to help you improve how you lead and live.

The Connection Between an Organization’s Culture and Convictions
Women in Leadership Cara O'Halloran Women in Leadership Cara O'Halloran

The Connection Between an Organization’s Culture and Convictions

Have you ever worked in an organization where you didn’t feel respected or free to be yourself? It makes it hard to be productive or engaged in your work, right? Well, more than likely, you experienced that company’s negative culture because there wasn’t a conviction-driven purpose, vision, or mission statement. And that’s the key: conviction.

In this article, we’re highlighting some statistics as to why an organization’s culture should be important to a leader and also how you can create a conviction-based vision for your organization that propels the company forward while creating a dynamic, healthy, and psychologically safe workplace environment.

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The Importance of Rest
Women in Leadership Cara O'Halloran Women in Leadership Cara O'Halloran

The Importance of Rest

The holiday season is here. And many of us get to take time off from work. But how many of us are carving out time to actually rest? It can be so easy to let our calendars fill up with good and life-giving events, surrounded by family and friends—but it’s so important to find time to recharge as well. Some people are truly filled back up when they spend time with loved ones; and some are filled back up when they have time alone. Only you can determine what you need to experience true rest.

In this article, we cover the importance of rest and why it’s essential for healthy self-leadership both at work and at home. We have three recommendations for you to consider as you find time away from the office this holiday season.

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Well-being: 4 Areas to Lead Yourself In
Women in Leadership Cara O'Halloran Women in Leadership Cara O'Halloran

Well-being: 4 Areas to Lead Yourself In

Well-being: an often overlooked yet key component of self-leadership. And depending on the source you’re researching, there could be any number of categories connected to the state of well-being. But in the broadest sense of the word, it’s defined as, “the state of being happy, healthy or prosperous.”

Well, at Building Champions, we’ve identified four specific areas of well-being, believing that each of them is equally important, and all of them matter to self-leadership. In this article, we discuss how to address your physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being so that you can lead yourself well and show up as your best self in all aspects of your career and life.

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Supporting the Middle Manager
Women in Leadership Cara O'Halloran Women in Leadership Cara O'Halloran

Supporting the Middle Manager

McKinsey & Company along with Lead In recently released their Women in the Workplace 2023 report, debunking four myths on the state of women at work and following it up with recommendations for organizations to help create a path forward. We highly encourage you to check it out!

The report is chock-full of both informative statistics and tips for leaders to make positive change. And one of their recommendations is to: Support and reward managers as key drivers of organizational change. This tip can be applied to everyone, and we’d like to expand upon it, pulling from the Building Champions coaching frameworks.

In this article, we provide tips for organizations to better prepare, equip and grow their managers—so that they can, in turn, cultivate healthy and high-performing teams where people belong, are encouraged to share their perspectives and are supported to grow in all areas of their lives.

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Why Self-Leadership Precedes Team Leadership
Women in Leadership Cara O'Halloran Women in Leadership Cara O'Halloran

Why Self-Leadership Precedes Team Leadership

When you think of leadership, what do you think of? Do you think about how you lead your team or organization? Are you mostly considering a management style? Well, at Building Champions, we believe that self-leadership precedes team leadership—which impacts your organizational influence. So before you can lead anyone else, you must be leading yourself well.

In this article, we unpack the four key areas of self-leadership so that you can strengthen your well-being, create a compelling vision for your career, get clarity on your role to enhance your job performance and increase your overall productivity. Healthy leadership starts with you!

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The 5 Qualities of an Accountable Leader
Women in Leadership Cara O'Halloran Women in Leadership Cara O'Halloran

The 5 Qualities of an Accountable Leader

Seeing someone take accountability for their actions, words and choices is refreshing, isn’t it? When someone makes a mistake, takes ownership, apologizes and begins making concerted efforts to either rectify the situation or change behavior, it’s a sign of health—because everyone makes mistakes, but it’s how you handle your failings that makes the difference. And at the end of the day, we can only control ourselves and recognize the impact we have upon others. It’s quite a privilege; and should be used wisely.

So whether you lead an organization, a team or yourself, how you either embrace or reject accountability matters. In this article, we’ll dive into what an accountable leader looks like and how you can own your consequences, both good and bad. Because how you handle your failings is a key component of leadership and a true indicator of growth.

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4 Ways to Strengthen Your Emotional Intelligence
Women in Leadership Cara O'Halloran Women in Leadership Cara O'Halloran

4 Ways to Strengthen Your Emotional Intelligence

It’s officially Q4—the air is crisp, the leaves are turning, there are three months left in this calendar year and the holidays are coming. And with end-of-year deadlines approaching and social activities filling schedules, your time might begin to feel limited. But as a leader, it’s important not to let the stress that can come with busyness overwhelm and impact your behaviors because whether you realize it or not your influence is widespread and far-reaching. And a time like this is when your emotional intelligence (EQ) matters most.

The level of EQ that you possess and demonstrate both at work and at home affects your actions, words, responses and relationships. That’s why it’s necessary to understand yourself—how you react to people, things and situations and also how your reactions, behaviors and choices affect others. In this article, we explain four ways for you to strengthen your emotional intelligence so that you can be your best self, deliver results and enjoy every aspect this new quarter brings.

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Branding Matters: For Yourself, Your Team & Your Organization
Women in Leadership Cara O'Halloran Women in Leadership Cara O'Halloran

Branding Matters: For Yourself, Your Team & Your Organization

In this age of fast-changing technological growth, brands must adapt and evolve. Recent data reveals that 89% of consumers will buy from a brand they follow on social media. Companies can connect with and hear from their consumers like never before. Not only does the look and feel of a brand matter, but the voice, purpose and cultural impact of a company’s brand matter even more. Organizations are accessible online; and because of that accessibility, it’s necessary that they are clear and consistent in their messaging. But what is a brand communicating?

In this article, we explore the significance of a personal brand, a team’s brand and an organization’s brand. We offer leadership tips to help you grow, adapt and evolve your brand as well as the influence you have on both your team’s brand and company’s brand.

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Mental Toughness
Women in Leadership Drew Lawson Women in Leadership Drew Lawson

Mental Toughness

Learn from emergency room physician and Executive Coach Drew Lawson both what it means and what it takes to be mentally tough in life and leadership. In this Coach Video Tip, Drew helps us understand why mental toughness is vital to our self-leadership, how it impacts our emotional intelligence and what’s at risk if we don’t become mentally tough. He also explains how when we develop our mental fitness, we move away from operating in overwhelm and into a calm and controlled state. Plus, we get to learn about brain chemistry and the latest discovery in breathing exercises!

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How a Team Workshop Will Help Your Team Finish the Year Strong
Women in Leadership Cara O'Halloran Women in Leadership Cara O'Halloran

How a Team Workshop Will Help Your Team Finish the Year Strong

We’re nearly halfway through September—which means we’re running toward the last quarter of the year. And Q4 can fly by faster than most when filled with end of year projects, deadlines and holiday time off. So instead of just surviving the end of the year, why don’t you intentionally plan for it? We often kick off each calendar year with vision, purpose and new resolutions—but why not finish the year with just as much excitement?

If you’re looking for a way to align your team around a shared purpose for the end of the year, then one of our team workshops is a great solution for you. Plus, by pulling up and away from the daily demands of work, you’ll communicate to your team that you care about investing in them. In this article, we’ll cover the four key components of our team workshops so that you can see how we help teams like yours rally together to finish the year strong.

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