The Building Champions Leadership Development Blog
Drawing upon their decades of leadership experience — and the hundreds of conversations they have each week with leaders across the country — our team of coaches deliver insights, strategies, and tips to help you improve how you lead and live.

The Routines of a Champion Leader
In this special Coach Video Tip, join our CEO and Founder, Daniel Harkavy, and our COO, Dan Foster, as they discuss how we can learn from the Olympians. The routines and disciplines of an Olympic champion are key in helping them to achieve their vision of gold. So, what can we, as leaders, learn from them? Watch our video tip to find out!

Lifting Beliefs vs. Limiting Beliefs
How we speak to and about ourselves is powerful. We may not always realize it, but we have internal narratives, stories we tell ourselves, playing in our minds—and often on repeat. The key is to discern what those narratives are so that you can stop playing the ones limiting you and reinforce the ones lifting you.
At Building Champions, we believe that just as our phones need regular updates, so do our mindsets because we all have Leadership Operating Systems determining our words, actions, and ultimately, results. In this article, we discuss how a leader’s lifting beliefs can lead to success and how a leader’s limiting beliefs can lead to failure.

How to Strengthen Your Inner Gear
Your Leadership Operating System is composed of two gears: the inner gear and the outer gear. The inner gear is made up of your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs and it spins the outer gear which is comprised of your actions, relationships, and competencies. So essentially, what’s going on with you on the inside will show up on the outside. In this Coach Video Tip, learn from our CEO and Founder, Daniel Harkavy, on how to strengthen your inner gear so that you can live and lead more effectively.

Your Leadership Operating System
Just as your phone or laptop’s operating system (OS) needs regular updates to work out the bugs, increase the processing speed, fix any development errors, and allow for evolutions as technology advances, we too need to maintain our leadership operating systems (LOS). At Building Champions, we believe that what we think about, believe, and feel will show up in our actions and words—and that is why it’s imperative for a leader to regularly assess how they’re doing internally so that they can show up as their best self externally. In this article, we define what we mean by Leadership Operating System, why it’s important to understand it, and what the components are that make it up.

A Coaching Leadership Mindset
As a leader, what you believe about yourself and those around you will impact your leadership effectiveness and level of influence. To be a coaching leader, you must understand how your mindset shows up in your actions and your leadership. In this Coach Video Tip, learn from Coach Matt Cummings how to develop a coaching leadership mindset.

The Skills of a Coaching Leader
It’s a unique privilege to lead people, and when you’re a coaching leader, one of your main jobs is people development. You view leadership differently and understand that your purpose is to add the most value to the people you lead and to help them improve. But to become a coaching leader, you’ve got to embrace a specific set of skills to help those you lead become their best selves.
In this article, we share seven skills of a coaching leader and explain why they’re necessary to develop if you want to equip those you lead, improve their performance, and create a lasting leadership legacy.

Coaching Leadership: The Key to Transformation
People development is often considered a function of the Human Resources department. But if you lead people, then people development should be one of your top priorities. However, we know that with the fast-paced nature of our lives and careers, it can be so difficult to even define our top priorities when our days feel urgent and hurried. But that’s why approaching leadership differently is so important.
At Building Champions, we believe that coaching leadership is key to transformational leadership. And in this article, we define coaching leadership, discuss why it’s important, and share how you too can become a coaching leader.

3 Steps Toward a Healthy Organizational Culture
You know how people often describe workplace environments as either healthy or toxic? Well, what they’re describing is a company’s culture, the attitudes, words, and actions of the people that work there. And that’s why the health of an organization matters. Whether we realize it or not, we all contribute to the culture of the company where we work. And if you’re a leader of an organization, you have a lot of influence upon your organization’s culture—which is why it’s important to understand what that influence might look like.
In this article, we share three steps for leaders to take toward fostering a healthy organizational culture so that their companies not only become positive environments where people want to work but where people get to grow.

Team Effectiveness and a Leader’s Responsibility
In this Coach Video Tip, learn from Executive Coach Jonathan Rogers on why a team's health matters and how a leader has a unique privilege to create a positive and high-performing team environment. Not only does a leader get to set an example, but they get to foster the culture within a team. Learn how you too can build a healthy and high-performing team!

How You Play a Role in Your Team’s Health
To have a healthy team, you must have healthy team members. And we’re not just talking about physical health because health encompasses far more than that. A team’s overall health is dependent upon the people that form the team—because each person is responsible for how they show up to work. And a healthy person leads themself well despite the inevitable challenges that life and leadership throw their way.
And this is why, at Building Champions, we say that self-leadership precedes team effectiveness—because to lead yourself well, you must be aware of how your inner thoughts drive your outer behaviors. In this article, we discuss how an individual contributes to a team’s health and why it’s vital to maintain a healthy well-being, take accountability for your actions, and work on your mindset.