The Building Champions Leadership Development Blog
Drawing upon their decades of leadership experience — and the hundreds of conversations they have each week with leaders across the country — our team of coaches deliver insights, strategies, and tips to help you improve how you lead and live.

The 3 Key Components of Social Well-being
Relationships can be tricky, can’t they? We all bring our own opinions, past experiences, moods, and emotions into each conversation and interaction that we have with one another, affecting the quality and the health of each relationship. And that’s why it’s so important that we understand how to lead ourselves well and how to show up well to those around us, because relationships are a gift. We get to influence people around us, and we can choose whether that influence is positive or negative.
Our overall well-being is impacted by the level of social interaction in our lives and the health of our relationships, so to lead yourself well, you must get clear on the social side of your life. In this article, we discuss why social well-being matters to our lives and leadership, and the three key components that make it up.

3 Critical Areas of Peak Performance
We all want to consistently reach our goals while remaining motivated, energized, and excited. But how do we make that happen? How do we lead ourselves in a way that will set us up for success in both life and leadership?
Well, to be a peak performer, you’ve got to focus on three critical areas. In this article, we discuss the mindset, routines, and skills of a peak performer, providing actionable tips to help you begin strengthening your performance so that you can be your best and give your best to those at work and at home.

The Connection of Self-Leadership & Peak Performance
To be a top performer, you need to address five key areas of well-being so that your battery is charged and at full capacity, allowing you to be your best and give your best. In this Coach Video Tip, learn from Executive Coach Drew Lawson, M.D. about the connection between self-leadership and peak performance. Apply some actionable tips from Dr. Lawson and watch both your leadership effectiveness increase and your performance soar!

How to Become a Peak Performer
At the end of the day, we all want to feel like we did our best work, but it can sometimes be an elusive feeling to achieve, can’t it? How do we find that sense of accomplishment, knowing that we did our best and achieved the results we were after? Well, it’s possible—but it requires first awareness and then effort.
In this article, we define peak performance, and share four steps to help you become a peak performer so that you can find success in your role, spend each day focusing on the right tasks, and experience a sense of accomplishment in both work and life. Peak performance is within your grasp, you’ve just got to get clear on how to reach it—and only you can make that happen.

The 7 Perspectives of Effective Leaders
In today’s fast-paced and constantly evolving business environment, effective leadership is more essential than ever. To stay ahead, leaders need more than just technical expertise or industry knowledge—they must adopt a holistic approach that integrates multiple viewpoints. This comprehensive approach helps leaders navigate complex challenges and guide their organizations toward sustained success.
In my book, The 7 Perspectives of Effective Leaders, I share a proven framework for improving your decisions and increasing your influence by taking into account seven essential perspectives. These perspectives help leaders expand their thinking, align their teams, and make informed decisions that drive meaningful progress. In this article, we dig into the seven perspectives a leader must take to improve their decision-making, increase their influence, and strengthen their overall leadership effectiveness.

Improve Your Decisions & Increase Your Influence
Decisions and influence: you’ve got to have both to be an effective leader. So, what’s at risk for a leader who doesn’t have much influence? And what’s at risk for a leader who repeatedly makes poor decisions? In this Coach Video Tip, learn from Executive Coach Todd Mosetter on how to improve your decisions and increase your influence. Get strong in both areas and watch your leadership effectiveness grow.

Defining Decisions & Influence in Leadership
Decision-making is an essential part of leadership; it comes with the job title. A leader’s day is chock-full of decisions both big and small, and sometimes those decisions need to happen quickly while sometimes they need to happen thoroughly—but often, both is needed. However, a leader’s decisions will only go as far as their influence takes them. To be an effective leader, you must possess influence and make good decisions.
In this article, we dig into the importance of decisions and influence, defining what they both look like in leadership and the impact they play in a leader’s effectiveness.

The 5 Components of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership
A high level of emotional intelligence (EQ or EI) is not only beneficial to you but also to those around you—because how we engage in the world matters. We all have the capacity to influence but we don’t always understand what that influence looks like. This is why emotional intelligence is key in effective leadership.
As a leader, you have the unique privilege and responsibility to lead people which makes it all the more critical to understand how you’re showing up and how you’re impacting those you lead and serve. And when you lead yourself in strengthening your emotional intelligence, your influence will be positive and your leadership effective. In this article, we discuss the five key components of emotional intelligence and the leadership benefit of each one.

The Impact of EQ on Leadership Effectiveness
Emotional intelligence (EQ or EI) can be a game-changer for a leader’s effectiveness. In this Coach Video Tip, learn from Coach Genena Armstrong on what’s at risk for a leader who neglects developing their EQ and what’s made possible for a leader who strengthens their EQ. Apply actionable tips to your leadership to help you grow and develop your emotional intelligence so that you can ultimately drive to higher levels of performance and organizational success.

The Leader and Emotional Intelligence
We all know what it feels like to become emotionally triggered—often sparked by an event, a circumstance, or someone’s words. But it’s how we respond in the moment that truly matters. Our ability to control our words and actions following the emotion we experience determines the level of our emotional intelligence (EQ). And the great news is that we can all strengthen and develop our EQ.
In this article, we define emotional intelligence, share why it’s important, and discuss how it can impact your leadership effectiveness.