The Building Champions Leadership Development Blog

Drawing upon their decades of leadership experience — and the hundreds of conversations they have each week with leaders across the country — our team of coaches deliver insights, strategies, and tips to help you improve how you lead and live.

The Importance of Leadership Coaching and Development
Leadership, Coaching, Organizational Impact Building Champions Leadership, Coaching, Organizational Impact Building Champions

The Importance of Leadership Coaching and Development

Leadership coaching isn’t just about teaching developing professionals to be better managers, but it’s about enhancing their personal drive for success throughout everything that they do. True leadership is about real human relationships and taking responsibility for the success of others around you. A developing leader of tomorrow can’t be expected to succeed though until they have learned how to properly self-lead, set goals for success, and establish the baseline they need to continue honing their craft throughout their careers.

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What Are Leadership Competencies?
Building Champions Building Champions

What Are Leadership Competencies?

There are many education and experience requirements for leadership positions. However, leadership competencies don’t fall into the category of qualifications you possess to get hired for a position. Instead, leadership competencies are a combination of knowledge and abilities that make you an effective leader in a given position or organization. When you consider the varied roles that leaders fill in an enormous number of industries, it quickly becomes obvious that the same competencies might not work for every leadership role.

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Understanding and Harnessing Executive Presence
Leadership, Self-Leadership Building Champions Leadership, Self-Leadership Building Champions

Understanding and Harnessing Executive Presence

The key element at the center of executive presence is a high level of confidence and an ability to easily make connections with the people around you. Having executive presence means showing your value, and that you belong in the room where it’s happening. This trait can be hard to define and even harder to learn, but it’s not impossible to cultivate.

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Giving Better Feedback
Leadership, Team Leadership, Virtual Coaching Tips Building Champions Leadership, Team Leadership, Virtual Coaching Tips Building Champions

Giving Better Feedback

The topic of feedback comes up a lot in coaching sessions. Giving feedback is an important part of any leader's job—according to research, 98% of employees will fail to be engaged without adequate feedback! In this Virtual Coaching Tip, Executive Coach Todd Mosetter shares the one grave mistake managers—new and experienced—make when they attempt to give feedback.

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The Multitasking Myth
Productivity, Self-Leadership, Virtual Coaching Tips Building Champions Productivity, Self-Leadership, Virtual Coaching Tips Building Champions

The Multitasking Myth

Many of us defend multitasking and insist it makes us more efficient. After all, why do one thing when you can get two, three, maybe even four things done? The multitasking truth may be hard to swallow, but accepting it is the first step to a more productive future. In this quick Virtual Coaching Tip, Executive Coach Todd Mosetter shares the truth about multitasking and the alternative method that will make you more productive.

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