The Building Champions Leadership Development Blog
Drawing upon their decades of leadership experience — and the hundreds of conversations they have each week with leaders across the country — our team of coaches deliver insights, strategies, and tips to help you improve how you lead and live.
How To Lead Digital Nomads
We want to help you, a leader, best coach digital nomads so that not only will they grow and develop into their best selves professionally and personally, but also so that your organization will adapt and thrive with this new way of work. And, if you’re a digital nomad leader yourself, you’ll have even more insight into how to best coach your team in this ever-changing cultural environment and professional landscape. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how you can coach digital nomads and why embracing the concept of nomadic work can benefit your organization’s culture.
Why Psychological Safety in The Workplace Matters
Psychological safety in the workplace is the responsibility of both the leader and the employee. But as a leader, you set the tone. When your people feel safe, valued, and believe that their voice matters, your organization will experience higher levels of productivity and quality—along with a healthy culture. Watch this Coach Video Tip with Executive Coach Annette Pellinat and learn from her background in executive leadership and organizational development just how exactly to increase psychological safety in your workplace.
How to Prepare Your Team for a World with Rapidly Growing Artificial Intelligence
ChatGPT is here—and causing quite a stir. Along with the many other artificial intelligence bots already present and yet to come, this growing technology will change the way we work, educate and live. And that can be scary because it’s new and unknown. But it can also be exciting because with change comes immense opportunity. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how you can develop a leadership mindset that views change as opportunity, and also, share three ways you can invest in your team now so they are prepared for the impact that AI will have in the professional world.
How to Set Professional Boundaries That Protect your Well-Being
Setting boundaries is vital to protect yourself against burnout. Organizations should promote and respect healthy boundaries in the workplace, but if yours doesn’t, then you need to know how to set them for yourself. In this blog, we’ll look at the importance of setting boundaries and give you some practical tips for learning how to protect yourself from the “hustle culture.”
The Power of Perseverance in Leadership
Leadership is a tough job. It requires a cool head and a firm commitment to your organization even through a crisis. That’s why perseverance is a critical skill for every leader. In this blog post, we’ll teach you the key traits of a persevering leader and how to develop your personal attitude and skills to support perseverance in your career.
You Can Choose Your Mindset
If we understood the power of our words, the power of every negative thought we latch onto and believe, we would consider differently the words we say, the thoughts we tend to, and the stories we tell ourselves about the circumstances of our lives.
To Become a Leader, You Must Advocate for Yourself
Becoming a self-advocate means being willing to speak up for yourself in the workplace. If no one knows you want to lead, then they don’t know to consider you when opportunities arise. Even though it can be scary, advocating for yourself is crucial to reaching your career goals. And we’re here to help.
Your Guide to Leadership Succession Planning
Leading an organization requires a special blend of skills. You need core competencies that get the job done, behavioral habits that instill trust and respect in your team and a fundamental alignment with your organization’s mission and values. Finding outside hires that meet these criteria takes significant time and effort, and sometimes even a little luck. In this blog, we’ll discuss exactly why you need a leadership succession plan, how to create one and how to develop a new generation of company leaders along the way.
5 Challenges Female Leaders Face and How Your Organization Can Overcome Them
Many organizations are experiencing the “Great Breakup” as many female leaders face unique challenges in the workplace and are leaving companies to find ones that meet their needs. Women leaders face challenges like stereotypes and unequal treatment as they try to climb the corporate ladder and secure leadership positions in their organizations. For many women, these challenges make it difficult for them to reach their full career potential.
How to Give Effective Feedback to Employees
Feedback is the key to growth, no matter what level you’re at in your career. It helps you grow, highlights areas of improvement and gives you direction about what competencies to focus on moving forward. However, many people are resistant to feedback. As a leader, it’s your job to provide feedback to your employees. This requires tact and emotional intelligence. In this article, we’ll look at why feedback is so important and how you can give better feedback to your team members.